SolusVM is a commercial software product intended for professional use. This is why the offerings on this website are directed to businesses (B2B) only!


SolusVM 2 Management Node w/ Virtualization Trial License

SolusVM 30-day trial license. This license allows 5 Unlimited Compute Resources.
SolusVM 2 Management Node w/ Virtualization

This license applies to SolusVM 2 and allows you to run a Management Node to host virtual servers.

Note: If you are adding Compute Nodes to an existing license, please select your current license from the client area and click upgrade/downgrade.
SolusVM 2 Management Node

This license applies to SolusVM 2 and allows you to run a Management Node without any virtualization.
Please note you will still need to run the Management Node on it's own operating system, either inside a VPS or on a dedicated server.

Note: If you are adding slaves to an existing license, please select your current license from the client area and click upgrade/downgrade.
SolusVM Enterprise License

This license allows you to run a master that can host virtual servers (OpenVZ only).

Note: If you are adding slaves to a existing license, please select your current license from the client area and click upgrade/downgrade.
SolusVM Enterprise Slave Only License

This license allows you to run a master without any virtualization.

Please note you will still need to run the master on it's own operating system, either inside a VPS or on a dedicated server.

Note: If you are adding slaves to a existing license, please select your current license from the client area and click upgrade/downgrade.

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